Saturday, January 29, 2011

Julia Child is my hero!

I learned to cook from Julia Child.  Yeah, I really did!  It was the early 60s and she had a half hour daytime TV show, The French Chef.  I watched that show every day if I was able ... hoping my little boys would nap during that time!

It was like being in a cooking classroom.  She taught me to cook Chicken Kiev.  I made a really good Baked Alaska.  She also taught me to fix a Salad Nicoise.  I watched her make a yummy looking Chocolate Mousse and many years later I perfected her recipe to my family's taste.  It is the most wonderful tasting chocolate "glue."  It certainly isn't what I used to see as chocolate mousse.  I never cared for most that I ate because it tasted like chocolate whip and whipped cream is just not my favorite food.

Chocolate Mousse

3 qt porcelain or stainless steel mixing bowl
Wire whip or electric beater
4 egg yolks
¾ cup instant sugar (very finely granulated)
¼ cup orange liqueur
Pan of not quite simmering water
Basin of cold water

Beat the egg yolks and sugar together until mixture is a thick, pale yellow, and falls back upon itself forming a slowly dissolving ribbon.  Beat in the orange liqueur.  Then set mixing bowl over the not quite simmering water and continue beating for 3 to 4 minutes until the mixture is foamy and too hot for your finger.  Then beat over cold water for 3 to 4 minutes until the mixture is cold and again forms the ribbon.  It will have the consistency of mayonnaise.

6 ounces or squares semi-sweet baking chocolate
4 Tb strong coffee
Small saucepan
6 ounces or 1 ½ sticks softened unsalted butter
Optional:  ¼ cup finely diced glazed orange peal

Melt chocolate with coffee over hot water.  Remove from heat and beat in the butter a bit at a time, to make a smooth cream.  Beat the chocolate into the egg yolks and sugar, then beat in the optional orange peel.

4 egg whites
Pinch of salt
1 Tb granulated sugar

Beat the egg whites and salt until soft peaks are formed; sprinkle on the sugar and beat until stiff peaks are formed.  Stir one fourth of the egg whites into the chocolate mixture.  Fold in the rest.

Turn into serving dish, dessert cups.  Refrigerate for at least 2 hours or overnight.

2 cups vanilla-flavored crème anglaise or lightly whipped cream sweetened with powdered sugar.

Pass the sauce or whipped cream separately.

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